Best solo travel destinations | Best Live Streaming Platform

Nature travel is a genre of traveling, where the person spends time with natural features such as forests and birds. It is also known as ecotourism. Best Live Streaming Platform such features helps the traveler connect with like minded viewers. One must seek best solo travel destinations to get an idea of such places.

In the race for personal success and prosperity, people often ignore the value of natural happiness. Students face peer pressure and stress during exam season. Similarly, working professionals have to do intensive work. People feel better when they get social recognition. Such an attitude may not be good in due course. Often people develop wrong habits such as intoxication or drug addiction in company of people who claim to be friends.

Nature travel or ecotourism provides the much needed isolation that everybody needs. Isolating oneself from public gatherings is a good way not only to relax one’s senses but also to find the true self. Nature has something special for everybody. But people must have the eyes to observe it.

Video travelogue for smart viewers

Nature travel helps the individual to explore the beauty of nature in miscellaneous ways. He can document his observations and experiences in a diary. A travelogue helps the traveller turned author connect with viewers worldwide. Thanks to Information Technology that we can document our experiences in real time using Live streaming.

Travel ride shooting and recording

It is a new leisure activity popular among digital users who are avid travellers. Such people use their phone camera not only while walking but even while biking or using any public transit system. Although it is just a leisure activity, it is an eye opener and helps observe new things. From inside a train, one can record the views of sky especially in the twilight.

Using a camera while sitting on a bike seems tough. It needs lots of practice. Only the pillion rider can actually take the photographs. On the plus side, this style of videography has a realistic feel. It is good to connect with viewers who love biking. Travel ride shooting and recording is also possible inside a bus or car. It can also be done from a boat or ship. From the inside of an airplane, it is possible to get nice images of clouds.

Best time for nature travel

It is best to travel during the early morning and evening. The roads are vacant and the morning breeze is good for health. One can also travel during the evening and capture natural features like the setting sun or lotus ponds. In the winter reason, any time is good for nature travel. But one must take care to select roads with less influx of people and more of natural reserves.

The feeling of adventure

Solitary traveling provides the benefit of adventure. A solo traveller may face problems especially in an unknown city. But eventually he may resolve his problem. By sharing his videos he can share personal experiences with travel enthusiasts.
Often the traveller might have to ask the local residents regarding availability of restaurants or hotels. Nowadays, travellers are mostly technosavvy. Instead of asking anybody, they prefer to use GPS services to reach the right location. Technology adds more certainity to a travel experience. It minimises extra time consumed and risks incurred on the way.
Nature travel photography combines creativity with technical aptitude. It is a good leisure activity for people good at multi-tasking. It is a rewarding experience. Natural beauty provides the right atmosphere to discover the creative instinct hidden inside. While exploring the natural features like water basins or floating swans, a person explores his own mind. For details regarding travel tips, one can navigate best solo travel destinations.
Traveling is good for sick people during the convalescent or recovery stage. There is inflow of fresh air leaving the traveller feeling energised and optimising about his recovery.
Often people love to explore culture of new cities. It is good to spend some time with natural features because they also influence the culture significantly. For instance, in coastal areas we find more sailors who love to sing. The flow of water and its waves provide the right ambience for videography or singing. For details, travelers must look for best solo travel destinations online.
Ecotourism photography helps a person get in touch with the biosphere of a place. Where there are colourful blossoms, there will be butterflies. Where there are tall trees, there will be birds. Travelers often find new birds which they have never seen before. Bird watching is a hobby. The birdwatcher can convert the hobby into a profession with the help of videography. All that he needs is a good camcorder and a passion to share one’s thoughts about birds with people.
Photography contests encourage people to share their unique thoughts and talent. An image displays the place from the photographer’s perspective.

Are there any disadvantages?

One has to be careful with his camera equipment or other accessories. Its better to Best Live Streaming Platform incident so that any kind of mishap or loss of property is immediately reported.

Sustainability initiative

Nature tourism helps the traveller connect with the environment. People often discuss concepts like sustainability practices in large forums. However, they don’t have time to actually do something about it. While doing ecotourism one can promote environmental initiatives such as a afforestation and reforestation on deforested areas.

Every person has his own perspective about nature. So there are basically no guidelines for nature travel and livestreaming. But one should be able to capture some unique images reflective of the local culture. Best Live Streaming Platform is a self learning experience and it helps the traveller become better at capturing images or videos.

Is nature travel and photography a threat to professional photographers

Viewers mostly have their own accessories while they are traveling or doing videography. Some people say that this do it yourself attitude can hurt the job market.

Best places for Live Streaming

Hill stations

Visitors can show the beautiful hill station and the scenic atmosphere Hill station videos are quite motivation for people aspiring to have an expedition or hill station.

Coastal areas

Visitors capture the way the water floats and the sound of nature. Such moments are quite priceless.

Snow fields

The glassy appearance of snow is a treat to watch. But a videography can be risky because snow is slippery.

The rainbow
It is formed after rainfall. White light gets diffracted and we can see the VIBGYOR- Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red. It is an enlightening experience. Best Live Streaming Platform the formation of a rainbow helps you to spread the message of environmental awareness and sustainability. Taking a rainbow photograph needs an expert hand. The resolution should be good enough.

Sand dunes
Sand dunes are formed inside deserts due to wind flow. They are quite picturesque.

Valleys are beautiful to look at. One should be able to get a top view from a height.


Nature traveling is a self gratifying leisure activity. Technology has made it more accessible and simplistic. Visitors can document their expedition via live streaming. One must look for the best live streaming platform prior to making a travel plan.