Eyes are windows to the world. We appreciate the beauty of the world because the precious eyes make the world visible to us. Ability to see our surroundings with full clarity is a privilege. Eye is like a sophisticated camera gifted by the nature. It is connected to brain through nerves. For those who have slight vision problems, spectacles are a conventional solution. A contact lens is named so since the lens is in contact with the eyeball. It provides clear vision. Contact lens also provides corrective therapy gradually and improve eyesight in the long term. Moreover, you can choose contact lens with an attractive colour in case you wish to look chic during a friendly get together. Though contact lens looks like a style wear, it is actually difficult to wear for the first time. People can thus check live streaming video platforms to check the details. Eye test at the clinic The customer has to get an eye test done at the optician’s chamber. The results display the power of the eye, which is measured in dioptres. Based on the observation, the optician prepares an eye report highlighting features such as vision in both eyes and overall health. Once the eye power is known comes the aesthetic step of colour selection. The customer is free to choose from several options. Contact lens providing colour choices If a person has a knack for a specific colour, he can select that shade for his eyes. Eye specialists help by providing a catalogue of options for those willing to purchase colourful and elegant looking lenses. One must be careful to ensure that the colour must go well with the face cut. However, there are so many beautiful shades available that colour crazy individuals will really like the selection process. Once the colour is selected and confirmed, payment has to be made. Afterwards, the eye specialist places an order and the lens is prepared in a laboratory and transported to the eye clinic. The customer receives the pair of lens from the clinic along with a lens case and solution to keep the lens moist when not in use. Guidelines for first time contact lens users A contact lens is initially very difficult to place over the eye ball. One must initially consult the eye specialist to understand the procedure stepwise. At first, the lens must be dried a little rubbing to get rid of excess moisture. Thereafter, fingers should be used to hold upper and lower eyelid to create comfortable spacing for placement of the lens over the eye ball. One must take care not to blink while placing the contact lens. The same procedure is followed for both right and left eye one by one. Live streaming services make the process simplistic for the observer. Live Video streaming solutions to help learn the procedure Even after knowing the procedure, people do mistakes such as blink just before placement of the lens in front of eye ball. One can thus look for live demonstrations or recorded videos available online. Such videos are made by experts in this field. So by following their tips the entire procedure seems simple. Most of the videos on contact lens are made for the nervous novices. Content creators nicely edit the videos and provide captions for every step, making it very easy for the observer to follow the process. Advantages of contact lens Contact lens allows myopic people to wear sun glasses and goggles during the day. Contact lens provides a chic look and options to choose any colour. Disadvantages of contact lens Unlike spectacles, lens cannot be worn constantly for more than 3 hours. Thus one must be careful enough to take out the lens after the 3 hour duration.Lens has to be kept immersed in a solution to preserve moisture. A dried out lens cannot be used.Every time the lens is put in case after usage, the solution must be changed.Once purchased from an eye specialist, a contact lens can be used for a maximum of 3 months only. Live streaming connecting opticians with people Live streaming is a smart consultancy platform wherein the eye specialist provides guidelines about the ifs and buts of contact lens. It’s definitely a gift of digital technology to the world of medical technology. Customers can check the videos prior to making a decision whether or not to purchase a contact lens.For those who have just purchased, there are infinite videos by eye specialists helping customers learn about contact lens and steps to place it gently over the eye. Contact lens has a gel like constitution and it must be handled very carefully. Any kind of neglect can lead to dryness and render the lens futile for further usage. Thus, customers must look at the videos quite patiently and sincerely to follow the guidelines of the eye specialist. Live streaming video platforms help to create an interactive platform for eye specialist and customer and is mutually beneficial. Biomedical terminologiesTo wear a lens comfortably, the customer needs to understand the structure of the eyeball and the nomenclature of various parts. Without knowing our eye properly, it will be difficult to practice living with a contact lens.The eye specialist helps the customer understand medical terms such as iris, pupil, eyeball, vitreous humour, aqueous humour, blind spot, optical nerves and aperture. Customers need to graphically understand the positioning of the various parts of the eye. In addition, one should be able to understand the applied Science behind vision. A solid understanding of eyesight mechanism helps the customer take good care of his contact lens as well as eyes. Contact lens, at the interface of health care and cosmetics A contact lens is quite expensive. Also it cannot be worn continuously like spectacles. Still it is a consequence of cosmetology. Those using contact lens can try out various coloured lenses. Thus eye care gets connected to aesthetics. Medical aesthetics is presenting many such new avenues such as contact lens, which is not only an eye correction solution but also a style statement. Live streaming solutions helping eye specialists to find the right customer Although eye specialists are healthcare professionals committed to societal wellness, they also face personal constraints like budgetary constraints and building an effective customer outreach. By uploading videos with consultancy tips, they can create an impact over the society. They can expand their business and influence target customers. Video platforms help foster friendly networks between eye specialist and the customer. Conclusion Video streaming has entered into the field of medical Science and made life more complicated yet simple. Contact lens is a soft gel type lens which can be placed before the eye ball. For those who think the process is bit confusion can check the online resources posted by leading eye specialists in the word. Customers can consult with eye specialists for their queries. Eye specialists can share their domain knowledge with target customers. Live streaming video platforms enable better communication and transparency in the medical services sector and is beneficial for every link in the chain. Post navigation Live streaming modern kitchen appliances in action Best free live streaming videos for skin care from solarglare