Human brain is more complicated than a supercomputer. The brain helps us in various functions such as thinking, interpretation, decision making and feeling emotions. One needs to understand how the brain functions. Brain disorders can seriously impact the functioning of our precious and delicate brain. To understand one’s brain in entirety, one must navigate global health media videos. The study of brain is known as neurology. Neurology involves many cryptic terms. Neurons or nerve cells connect the brain to the different parts of the body. Neuroanatomy refers to the art of visually representing the brain structure using diagrams. Neuroanatomists try to simplify the complicated terms of neurology. Diagrams are colour coded so that the interpretation is easier. Physiology of the brain The brain is just 1.5 kg in weight. But it consumes 20% of the body’s energy. The inside of brain consists of 100 billion nerve cells. Each neuron has 10,000 billion connections. Brain secretes the neurotransmitter dopamine. The brain also co-ordinates movements whether hand movements and eye blinking. Structure The Brain is situated within the skull or cranium. It has 6 sections- the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, diencephalon, midbrain and medulla oblongata. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. The 4 lobes of the cerebrum are termed as frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe. Every lobe has a specialised function. The frontal lobe of the cerebrum helps us in thinking and decision making. Thus it is the command and control centre of the brain. The parietal lobe is responsible for co-ordinating the sensory information received from all sources. The temporal lobe deals with auditory matters such as linguistic skills. The occipital lobe processes visual information. The brain consists of alternating mounts and valleys called gyri and sulci respectively. During deep or intensive thinking the surface area of brain increases. 2 sets of blood vessels supply blood and Oxygen to brain. These are vertebral arteries and carotid arteries. The diencephalon consists of thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus directs sensory impulses to cerebrum. The hypothalamus take care of temperature regulation and emotional control. The pons is responsible for reflex actions. Medulla oblongata refers to the lowest part of brain stem. It is responsible for functions such as digestion, respiration, coughing, sneezing and swallowing. Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal fluid provides a proper chemical environment to the brain. The source of Cerebrospinal fluid is Choroid Plexus. Cerebrospinal fluid enriches the brain with proteins and oxygen. Thus the brain is able to send messages to the various parts of the body through nerve cells. CSF cushions the brain and provides it buoyancy. It occupies the subarachnoid space and brain ventricles. CSF provides energy required for the entire body. CSF plays an instructional role in the global regulation of neurogenesis i.e. the creation of neurons or nerve cells inside the brain. By learning the properties of CSF, we can derive clues about neurogenesis. Cerebrospinal fluid is housed inside protective membranes known as meninges. Leakage of this fluid can be very risky for the entire body functioning. Neurological disorders Neurological disorders arise due to multiple reasons and the list is still growing. There is still a lot of scope for research and development in this specialization of medical science. Every neurological disorder is studied as a unique case as patient’s information becomes a subject for further research on topics like neurodevelopment and neurogenesis. To explore further details, one must look for global health media videos. As life is full of stress, the cases of neurological disorders is rising. Some of the commonly known brain disorders are as follows. MeningitisIt refers to the abnormal condition of inflammation of meninges. Meninges are the protective layer for the Cerebrospinal fluid. EpilepsyIt refers to a neuropsychological disorder where a person experiences fits and convulsions. Multiple SclerosisIt is a chronic neurological disease and affects the brain’s ability to send signals to the sense organs.Brain aneurysmBrain aneurysm refers to a bulge in the blood vessels in the brain. Diagnostic techniques Neurological problems can be very complicated. Neuroimaging is an advanced medical technology which makes the diagnosis simpler. It is a non-invasive technique wherein radiation is passed through the head and the inside images are captured and sent to a computer monitor. Role of the radiologist is very important as he sends the brain images to the neurology department. To know about such advanced technologies one must look for global health media videos. Computed Tomographic Scanning(CT scanning) The patient is comfortably positioned on the bed with head on the pillow. The motorised bed enters the tunnel so that X rays pass through the head area. Images are captured from various angles. Then the images are superimposed to get three dimensional views of the brain structure. The radiologist sends the CT Scan report to the neurologist or neurophysician. The neurologist analyses the report and decides an action plan for MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) It is a highly advanced technique where a magnet is used. Brain responses to the magnetic field are recorded and studied to find a therapeutic solution.MRI scanning technology uses a powerful magnet along with waves and a computer to create detailed image of the brain. Images obtained during MRI scanning have a higher resolution. Thus clearer views of the inside of the brain are available for the neurology department.The body has millions of Hydrogen atoms. The atoms get aligned in the presence of a magnetic field. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy helps to obtain biochemical information about brain. MRS is a non-invasive technology which does not use radiation. Neuroimaging has dual benefits. Firstly, neuroimaging helps to study how the brain works. Secondly, neuroimaging helps to study how the various activities impact the brain. Therapy Therapy of a neurological disorder is a sequential process starting from diagnosis, counselling, medication, anaesthesia and surgery. Medication Patients affected with neurological disorders need to resort to medicines daily. Medicines include tranquilizers which must be used only in controlled amounts. The treatment can be time-intensive. Regular counselling and health care helps in effective recovery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery is a multidisciplinary field dealing with the study of how the brain works and how the various activities of the body impact the brain. Neurosurgical operations are preceded by diagnosis using neuroimaging to find the ailment and trace the cause of the ailment. Surgery is very expensive and is the last option for brain treatment. Only specialist practitioners and nursing staff can conduct neurosurgery. Local anaesthesia is provided to safeguard the patient from pain or trauma during Biomaterial graft In case of cerebrospinal fluid leakage the therapist applies this method. The point of leakage is sealed using a biomaterial and thus normal neurological function resumes. Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of the patient after neurosurgery is very important. The patient must stay in environment friendly places and maintain a good daily routine. Healthy food and sleep patterns can help him counter the difficulties and recover from the disease. Engaging in sociocultural activities can help him recover from the ailment, by raising his dopamine levels. The patient needs to have faith in himself and his brain Conclusion Modern Science is faced with a mammoth challenge of understanding how the brain processes information. Our brain helps us overcome difficult problems through its ability to think logically. However brain is very sensitive and is prone to neurological ailments. We need to know our brain and its internal mechanism, in order to protect the brain from every possible source of risk. Also we need to know about the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. To know about some of the most advanced techniques, one needs to search global health media videos. There is unlimited information and one must be selective enough to derive quality information. People need to have awareness of their brain and how it works, apart from medical techniques like neuroimaging and biomaterial graft. Post navigation Know your heart via live streaming Tips to Make your Hair Healthy Again